lifestyle blog with videos and pictures


Saturday, April 16, 2016

No one will ever love me with my 'condition'?

  when i was in my mom's womb.i was perfectly normal.last minute i was breach,meaning i was in any other position than me being upside down with head toward the mom was left on the bed side too long to make a change and he basically roughly/forcefully yanked me out by my arm.Due to this one shoulder is shorter than the other and my arm is practically back wards.when i turned 18 it started shifting and hurting a bit.

a few things to note:

  • we have gone to countless lawyers for malpractice/neglect and no one would take it on
  • i have gone to multiple doctors/physical therapy,we even traveled to the world renown mayo clinic in Minnesota and saw several doctors there and there was nothing to be done.
i have been given exercises for my arm to keep it from stiffening up but im not consistent.i have had relationships and serious ones.but with my disability its hard to meet people who will look past it.

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